Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Mayor In Bohemia

You don't always partake of Bohemia by choice... sometimes... just sometimes...
in that same way that sometimes 'crazy' just finds you
life takes a backhand to that area 
at the base of your skull, 
 delivering one of those awkward kicks that makes decision-making more difficult, 
it's a brutal business...
and you face yourself, your PO$$E$ION$, 
what you consider to be your essence, 
and no one deserves to be            the messiah...
Nope, you gotta be martyrs for your own damn causes 
or you're sellouts... every single one of you 
this space for rent
they use poverty like a tool... like a weapon 
aimed at the middle class                            "your money or is your life"
and every day "the system"    grows.    more.    broken.
like a country full of crack-addicted-toddlers 
                               and sometimes... just sometimes
         you have to allow yourself to go broke in order to stop it...       
you have to think: No longer-
                                                   will i feed this machine
                                                                          -will I walk blindly into the belly 
                                of some corporate-cronies-cubist
                                                                           abstract view of "how it all works"
                               like how Gods often necessitate religion, or the reverse even 
   ...and if you thought Zeus was powerful 
               apparently you've not seen the types of mountains a Ben Franklin can move 
   "when he's gotta get it done now"
It's far easier in this system to mobilize for war...
than it is to say, respond to a natural disaster... 
   it's easier to overdose on legal drugs  
       than the bad-evil, illegal ones...
           they started it with sugar in the kool-aid 
and the most disturbing part, 
           is for those of us here, under the star spangled canopy, 
                                                             who are not even making it 
                              at the 14k crime they call a poverty line
                 is that we're more stricken by grief
    at this notion that economic relief... trickles 
       and they attempt to victimize you with scorn 
to shackle your life with a servitude so hollow
             that the only type of medication
             is some morally imposed preemptive invasion 
of Gods against Gays
   cause masked under the stench of that ideology   
          is a senator with a lifetime pension 
leeching off the system, costing us more money than welfare babies 
                     and health insurance benefits... which never expire
   but they point to the poor as if their abuse were less dire 
                            in this ass-backwards system that asks me to submit 
   I will never relinquish my role
                    as a mayor in Bohemia 
                                           I will fight... and I will die 
                                     to make it so love is not some dollar sign